Clothing Line Hopes to Show Garment Industry That Exploitation is Not the Norm

According to End Human Trafficking, “When the Argentinians and the Thais met at a conference in 2009, it was clear that their shared backgrounds and commitment to making clothing in a cooperative-driven, free and fair system. And so "No-Chains" clothing was founded. The model is pretty simple — no slavery will be used in the production of these garments. All garments will be made from locally-sourced materials, assembled by workers paid a fair wage, and the profits go to the ownership, the workers themselves.”

No Chains is clearly an innovative defender of workers rights. The following is the brand philosophy, in their own words, of how they expect to keep their standard high and message central:

  • No Chains acts as a living model of self-management by workers – the possibility of it, and of producing good quality clothes at reasonable prices, while having decent work conditions. The No Chains cooperatives will encourage formation of other self-managed worker cooperatives, for example by laid-off workers, including training and advice for them.
  • No Chains will provide material means for the member cooperatives to keep up their fight and support for workers’ rights – for example, sheltering and helping laid off workers fight for their jobs. It will strengthen their capacity to remain independent and uncompromising in supporting workers’ rights.
  • No Chains will use the brand – the profile and image in the public eye – to highlight workers’ issues to the mainstream public. For example, it can make T-shirts with designs on the theme of the struggle, and publicize news on the No Chains website. At each season’s launch of new designs, it can highlight current issues in the global garment industry through video or photos.
  • Creating a brand which draws workers and consumers away from dependence and sustenance for the exploitative rest of the garment industry, and which can fuel momentum for effective legislation against sweatshops and exploitative brand owners.

Currently, screen printed t-shirts are the only product offered. The t-shirts showcase sayings such as “Dignity Returns”, “Another World Is Possible” and “Save Our Lives, Save Our Earth”. If interested in purchasing, visit to and go to the “Our Products” section. Other garment cooperatives will be adding onto their business creating a diverse selection of apparel. In the future, No Chains hopes that other types of cooperatives will join their efforts, offering a variety of goods from bags to ceramics.

Dignity Returns and La Alameda formed No Chains as a way to show that exploitation and sweatshop conditions are a necessary part of the garment industry today. They want to call on other cooperatives and garment worker groups around the world to join the brand as it develops. Hopefully, many more brands can follow in their footsteps and buyers can start to see that this is a viable way to do business.

To help their cause, spread the word about No Chains ideology to your friends and family. With an established following, No Chains can use its public presence not only to denounce other exploitative brands through campaigns, but also to offer a living model of non-exploitative production that others can emulate.

Check out ILRF’s Sweatfree Campaign to learn more about the abusive and unjust conditions that other workers face throughout the world.  You can also view our Shop with a Conscience Guide which features companies that source from these two factories.

