

Plantation Workers Look for Justice in the North

LA Times

CHINANDEGA, Nicaragua - The people crammed into the stifling basketball gym. They filled the court, lined the walls and tumbled beyond the doors onto the sun-blistered streets.

They had gathered to hear a promise of justice.

Many had spent their lives toiling on banana plantations that U.S. companies operated in this region some 30 years ago. By day, the workers had harvested bunches of fruit to ship to North American tables. At night, some had sprayed pesticide into the warm, humid air to protect the trees from insects and rot... 

Primark shows the hidden price of cheap fashion

The Times (UK)

As inspectors are shown ‘five-star' factories, abuses continue at ‘shadow' plants down the road

Book a flight on British Airways and the airline will calculate the carbon emissions of your journey. Pick up a chicken for dinner, and its label will tell you the amount of living space that the bird enjoyed before it landed in your supermarket.

But buy a T-shirt at many high street retailers, and you will learn nothing about the person who produced it. We now know more about the living conditions of the animals that we eat than the humans who clothe us.

Is There Any Way to Stop Wal-Mart & Co. from Sweatshop Profiteering?

Washington Monthly

I remember one particularly bad factory in China. It produced outdoor tables, parasols, and gazebos, and the place was a mess. Work floors were so crowded with production materials that I could barely make my way from one end to the other. In one area, where metals were being chemically treated, workers squatted at the edge of steaming pools as if contemplating a sudden, final swim. The dormitories were filthy: the hallways were strewn with garbage—orange peels, tea leaves—and the only way for anyone to bathe was to fill a bucket with cold water.

Protest Over Banana Republic Workers Plight

The Guardian (UK)

One of the biggest fashion retailers in the US last night began an investigation into allegations that workers in India who make its clothes are being forced to work more than 70 hours a week for as little as 15p an hour.

Ahead of today's high-profile opening of its three- storey European store in London, Banana Republic said it was "deeply concerned" by the claims and insisted it made frequent factory visits to check that suppliers complied with the law and with the company's ethical code... 

RP church group wins Korean human rights award

Philippine Daily Inquirer

MANILA, Philippines -- It was a group that went against two Korean firms to fight for workers’ rights, but it ended up being given South Korea’s most prestigious human rights award.

There really was no contradiction there, said Fr. Jose Dizon, executive director of the Workers’ Assistance Center Inc. (WAC), the church-based group that bagged the prestigious award this year.

In fact, Dizon said, the Koreans were even “ashamed and apologetic” to the Filipino awardees for what they had to go through in the hands of some “oppressive Korean nationals” in the Philippines... 


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